Since its now already 2012 I have to admit I'm wondering what this new year has in store for me. Last year it contained my nephew being born, some amazing concerts, & I ended up seeing one of my favorite plays now out of all time called American Idiot & I ended up seeing Billie Joe Armstrong in NYC & then meeting last year the Plain White T's & the band of 100 Monkeys. I'm not sure if this year can top last year but I'm hoping there will be amazing things in store as well. So far my year started off early with some fanastic bands called: Parachute, Miggs, & Allison Park following me back on twitter. I'm still hoping the Plain White T's will be following me soon & also the band mates of the All American Rejects. I have found out actually that my brother's friend is the dentist for the band the AAR which is just epic to hear but he may be losing them as clients since he is moving back here in May. I know I can't wait to see more of the AAR's tour dates to be posted soon though because of there new album being released soon called: THE KIDS IN THE STREET - which one of the new songs on that album called: SomeDay's Gone - is just amazing and really catchy & has become one of my new favorite songs of there's besides the song Gives You Hell & Move Along.
I can say so far my plans are being made for this year though with some fun things in store such as a plan to hit NYC for a weekend trip sometime in the spring, going to Washington DC for a day trip maybe in april & also perhaps maybe going to Bamboozle fest or perhaps I'm hoping SBL in MAY. My nephew's birthday is in February which also is going to be epic since it's his first birthday & of course in August I'm going on a family vacation for a week. But I am curious if my Birthday extravaganza can beat last year's though it could be just as great as last year if I could meet this year Tyson Ritter, Mike Kennedy, Nickolas Wheeler & Chris Gaylor though & if I can actually be able to keep up and in contact with the T's that would just be alright by me too & also to keep in contact with the publicist for the 100 Monkeys as well.
I know lets see I do hope this year will also contain perhaps some new songs by the Plain White T's though & also perhaps a few shows too if they can or even some just webchats & even ustream performances too & perhaps as well a new album by 100 Monkeys & some new tour dates from them & perhaps a Baltimore Tour Date by Mechanical People as well.
But yep this is what I am hoping will happen this year & for this year's Birthday Extravaganza to be pretty darn FANTASTIC too.
Love Always,